Teacher By Day and Coach By Night: Chris Jacob Does it All

Vee Williamson

English teacher and head girls’ tennis coach Christin Jacob teaches her 6th period AP Language class.

Vee Williamson, Staff Writer

Since the fateful day Christin Jacob first felt the strike of a ball colliding with her tennis racquet, she’s become infatuated with the sport. Now — she’s a Creek alum (‘90) who has taught English here for eighteen years and been the head girls tennis coach for sixteen. In this time, Jacob has managed to lead the girls Varsity one team to fourteen state championship titles, an incredible feat.

“The things you take away from a tennis court are so powerful. The hard work, dealing with stressful situations, being part of a team and supporting each other,” Jacob said. “There are so many beautiful things that make tennis.”

Her love for the sport started at just three years old, when her parents craftily cut an adult size racquet into one shaped for young Jacob. That same little racquet developed the skills that transformed her into an incredibly competitive player.

She spent all four years of her high school career playing for Creek’s varsity tennis team. After Jacob graduated and started attending University of Colorado Boulder, she ended up going down a long path of shifting careers. 

“I thought I was supposed to do finance because that’s what my mom, my sister and my dad did,” Jacob said. “But I found that I was miserable instead.”

Jacob later switched to physical therapy where she discovered speech science in her anatomy classes. Speech science was the final fork in the road leading to her true passion: teaching the art of language.

After so many years of focusing on sports, Jacob’s decision on becoming a teacher transformed how she was as a player, so she decided to coach. 

“[Coaching] is such a rewarding way to interact with kids outside of class,” Jacob said. 

Coaching Creek’s tennis team has given her the ability to work alongside certain players for their entire high school career, in both the classroom and on the court. This long lasting impact has helped develop tight-knit relationships with her players.

“She’s good at giving advice and helping players improve,” varsity one player junior Sabrina Shama said. 

Shama is now in her second season playing with varsity one. She believes Jacob is more than just a coach, and is always there to support her players. 

“[She’s] kind and straightforward and very honest which is [necessary] to being a good coach.” Shama said. 

Players and students believe her honesty is one of the many qualities that has made her such a valuable teacher. That value has been amplified since Jacob recently took on the task of becoming the head coordinator of the English department, piling on another time consuming position. But with the help of those close to her, Jacob has persevered. 

“My husband’s really supportive. He knows how important coaching is to me.” Jacob said. 

Jacob’s support system has also grown to include coworkers she’s become close friends with, including fellow English teacher Kirsten Riegler. 

Riegler says one summer a group of AP teachers got together to discuss curriculum changes. What started off as a planning session evolved into a hangout involving Jacob making tacos, the starting point for many years of friendship. 

“It solidified the [group] of us being friends. We’re friends together, we plan together, and we hang out outside of school together.” Riegler said. 

Riegler says it’s important to have someone in school who’s both a colleague as well as a friend. Jacob acts as the latter for many people. 

“I value [her] as a teacher and [because of her] intellect, but she’s also just a great human.” Riegler said.