Tardies Are Unavoidable. Make Punishments Less Strict

Student crowding in hallways such as this one in West Building means tardies are unavoidable. (Blayne Aina)

Blayne Aina, Staff Writer

Students at Creek are constantly having to rush to class. The solution? Make tardies less strict and make passing periods longer.

Creek’s passing periods are only seven minutes long. This is a very short amount of time for students to get from one place to another, especially when classes are across campus. Crowded hallways, teachers holding students longer, and the distance between classes all make that seven minute passing period feel shorter.

But administrators say longer passing periods might take too much away.

“By having longer passing periods, it can cut into instructional time, and we want to maintain seat time and instructions,” Assistant Principal Kevin Uhlig said. “We have had [passing periods] that way [for] a long time and determined that if [students] walked briskly in that amount of time they can make it to class.”

Being over four minutes late can result in a tardy being marked in the gradebook by some teachers’ standards, but for others the consequence can vary.

“I think that a teacher deserves the right [to decide] how they want their class run, meaning we allow them to give students restroom breaks, [and decide how to] handle a rowdy class,” Uhlig said. “[But we] try to keep being consistent on how [severe] a tardy is to allow for a more controlled learning environment.”

Variety in how tardies are treated prevents students from having a consistent standard to live up to. Additionally, tardies are impactful on a student not only due to a bad attendance history but can also create a bad reputation with teachers.

“An excessive amount of tardies (six or more) in one semester can result in supervised study for a week,” Uhlig said. “Or [if there are] multiple tardies in one week, [students] can be called into the Dean’s office and other consequences can be given.”

The real punishment is missing out in class and losing the knowledge needed for homework, tests, and assignments. One more minute would let students use the restroom, fill their water bottle up, or grab something from their locker without being late. Even with a more cohesive tardy policy, students would be able to allot time rather than being late, allowing students to do what they came to school for; learning.