The Overturning of Roe v. Wade

Quinn Rudnick

Protestors gathered at the Colorado State Capitol on May 14 just after Justice Alito’s statement leaked.

Quinn Rudnick, Managing Editor

The Supreme Court has overruled Roe v. Wade, striking down the constitutional right to abortion that lasted almost 50 years in a decision that will spread major transformation accoss the country and reshape American lives and politics. 

The 6-3 vote will lead to almost total bans on abortions in about half the states, as the declaration has left it up to state governments to decide whether or not to allow the procedure within the state.

The overturning came after a Supreme Court leak that revealed Justice Samuel A. Alito’s reasoning for overturning Roe. Echoing his claim that the decision was not deeply rooted in the American government or the Constitution, the official release of the overturning used the same logic. 

“For the first 185 years after the adoption of the Constitution, each State was permitted to address this issue in accordance with the views of its citizens,” Alito said while delivering the Court’s opinion of the decision to overturn Roe. “Then, in 1973, this Court decided Roe v. Wade. Even though the Constitution makes no mention of abortion, the Court held that it confers a broad right to obtain one.”

Within hours of the decision, protests against the decision as well as those celebrating it had gathered in government locations across the country, including the Supreme Court. The decision has sent shockwaves through both communities, with both already involved with the turmoil surrounding Roe since Alito’s statement in May. 

Government officials across the country have either come out in support of, or disagreement with the decision to overturn Roe. 

Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, spoke about the overturning of Roe in her weekly press conference shortly after the decision was released.  

“I am personally overwhelmed by this decision,” Pelosi said. “It’s just stunning, and again as a woman, as a mother, as a grandmother, to see young girls now have fewer rights than their moms or even their grandmothers, is something very sad for our country.”

Pelosi was joined by Senator Joe Manchin, who stated his disappointment in the overturning, and claimed he would vote to codify Roe into law – just a month after voting against a bill that would have codified the decision that legalized abotrion. 

In contrast, former Vice President Mike Pence gave his support for the overturning, upholding his reputation as an abortion opponent. 

“Today, life won,” Pence said.“By returning the question of abortion to the states and to the people, this Supreme Court has righted a historic wrong and reaffirmed the right of the American people to govern themselves at the state level in a manner consistent with their values and aspirations.”

The decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has sent shockwaves across the country and will continue to do so as state governments continue to release statements and create legislation that determines where they stand on abortion. The overturning will result in a distinctly divided country, with abortions freely avaliable in Democratic-leaning states and severe restrictions on the procedure in Republican-leaning ones.