Denver Erupts in Protest Over Roe v. Wade Overturning

See moments from Denver’s Friday protests

Carly Philpott

A recently-signed Colorado law by Governor Jared Polis guarantees abortion rights in the state. But some protesters pointed out that they shouldn’t have to be in Colorado to be guaranteed this right. “The end of legal abortion means the end of a woman’s right to choose the path in her life,” League of Women Voters national secretary Jessica Rohloff said.

“We won’t go back. We will fight back!”

The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the landmark case Roe v. Wade came less than an hour before the Colorado workday began on Friday. It was a day of frustration and held-back tears for many of those in favor of abortion rights. But hours later, that evening, thousands took to the streets of downtown Denver.

Since 1973, Roe has protected Americans’ right to choose to have an abortion, regardless of individual state laws. Now, over half of the states are banning or expected to ban abortions, many without any exceptions for special circumstance. Colorado, with a law recently signed by Governor Jared Polis that protects abortion rights in the state, is not one of them. But it will now serve as an island for those who want to end pregnancies in a sea of heavily restricted states, and the pain of this recent ruling is felt among pro-choice citizens even here.

That pain was apparent in Denver’s Friday protest, but so was an attitude of support. Protesters left free bottled water under trees and helped up those who tripped. One protester, Minnesotan community organizer Jessica Rohloff, said that a major point of these protests was not just about feeling each other’s fears for the future, but about feeling each other’s willingness to fight.

“We have to be out in the streets, we have to be organizing around people who have the same pains and the same hopes that we do,” Rohloff said. “Because really, this isn’t just about what we don’t want. The whole point of having a choice so that you can build what you do want in your life.”

The League of Women Voters holds its biennial national convention in Denver this weekend, and many attending delegates from across the nation were present at the protests Friday. Board of Directors secretary Jessica Rohloff, from Minnesota, said that abortion rights is a major part of the League’s platform. “This is one of our cornerstone issues,” Rohloff said. “Our current president, Dr. Deborah Turner, also is a regional director for Planned Parenthood. So we can’t be divided from this issue. We are one and the same. And we believe that a woman’s right to choose is directly linked to her being able to have her own dignity for own decisions.” (Carly Philpott)

Rohloff, 48, is the Secretary of the Board of Directors for the League of Women Voters (LWV) and is here in Denver for the organization’s national conference this weekend. She said that for the LWV, women’s issues like abortion go hand-in-hand with voting rights.

“We’re here talking to people about the importance of running for office, the importance of standing up, the importance of speaking out, the importance of organizing their neighbors, the importance of people understanding their rights,” she said. “That’s what we were here in Denver talking about when this decision came down.”

Women did not make up the entirety of the crowd – men showed up too, often hand in hand with sisters, girlfriends, mothers, wives, or daughters. One such man was A.J., 22, who said he was there to support women like his sister, who was denied medical care because it involved contraceptives and certain surgeries. He carried a sign saying “KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY SISTERS” and chanted “Their body, their choice,” and remarked that though this was a women’s issue, men who didn’t speak up were complicit, too.

“If men also don’t step up and support women in this, that needs to happen, because this has all been enabled by men who have stood by and been quiet,” A.J. said. “And I think it’s important to make my voice heard to show other women that there are men who are out here who support them, and are here for them.”

A.J., 22, who works in retail, said he was marching for women like his sister. “I know my own sister who’s been denied proper medical care just because the medical care would have used items such as a contraceptive or a surgery that they deemed she couldn’t have because she was too young or she wasn’t married,” he said. (Carly Philpott)

Some protesters reminded others that abortion rights don’t stop with women. Samuel Jones, 36, who identifies as transgender, carried a sign that said “TRANS AND PROUD.” He said he was protesting for both himself and women he knew.

“I’m marching because I have a uterus,” Jones said. “I have women who I love that have had pregnancies that they’ve decided to terminate legally and safely. And because I feel like this is an essential human right, and it’s bullsh*t it’s been taken away.”

Samuel Jones, 36, who identifies as transgender, was one of many people who pointed out that abortion rights are not just vital for women, but for anyone assigned female at birth. “I felt, honestly, completely shocked and a little dissociated for the first part of the morning,” Jones said of his reaction to the decision. “I needed to take a nap because I was exhausted.” (Carly Philpott)

Jones described his reaction to the news of the decision as “completely shocked and a little dissociated.” America has known since mid-May that the overturning of Roe was likely to happen this June following a leak of Justice Samuel Alito’s majority opinion. But Jones was not alone in feeling disappointed and surprised.

“I was really distraught,” A.J. remarked.

Others took the decision as an immediate call to action.

Starting Out Young: A mother offers snacks to her toddler as they march along the streets of Downtown Denver. Many people brought young children along. One woman, Marissa, 32, said she brought her elementary school-aged niece Mary “because it’s important.” (Carly Philpott)

“I thought I would be sad, but I was just incredibly pissed off,” Rohloff said. “The end of legal abortion means the end of a woman’s right to choose the path in her life. And that’s why I’m out here marching today.”

Marchers ranged in age, from older women reminiscing about Roe in the 1970s to toddlers in strollers pushed by impassioned parents. Hundreds of young girls stood beside their mothers and older sisters, some carrying signs that pointed out the irony of allowing school shootings but banning abortions. One elementary school-aged girl, Mary, was there with her aunt, Marissa, 32. When asked why she brought Mary, Marissa said “because it’s important.”

“I’m scared. I’m scared for the women. I don’t know, we just kind of feel trapped,” she added. “I can’t think straight.”

As A.J. spoke about his sister’s experience with reproductive care, chants of “Separate the church and state!” rose around him. A.J. said that the fact a law as theological as abortion prevention existed went against the very principles of the constitutional Founding Fathers of the nation.

“This wasn’t [founded as] a Christian country,” he said. “So why the hell are we making people follow laws that are based off of bad theology as Christians for something they don’t even believe?”

The fear of a future without Roe was palpable. But for many of the protesters, the very fact that this rally existed was proof that there was still hope for abortion rights. As one chant iterated, “We have the power.”

Article by Carly Philpott. Photo gallery by Carly Philpott, Norah Rudnick, and Alex Gribb.

  • With raised hands and handwritten signs, protesters began their chants outside the Denver Capitol around 5:30 p.m., starting to march close to 6 p.m.

  • Protesters and speakers called the Supreme Court’s decision a “declared war on women,” chanting “We will fight back!”

  • A common theme among protests was the unfairness of the court system, which many called undemocratic. Signs and chants pointed out that the sitting Supreme Court was not chosen by the people and did not make a decision that reflected the will of the people.

  • “Bans don’t prevent abortions, they prevent safe abortions.” The commonly used argument against abortion bans was ever-present during the protest, with some protesters carrying reminders of what consequences unsafe, illegal abortions can have. One protester carried clotheshangers, a tool sometimes used to perform backalley abortions, with tags the read out some of the potential risks of illegal abortions: “sepsis,” “jail time.”

  • The decision to overturn Roe came in the middle of Pride Month. The two issues of abortion and LGBTQ+ rights are intertwined, as precedent from Roe played a role in deciding 2015’s Obergefell v. Hodges, which guaranteed the right to same-sex marriage. Some pointed out the connection between the issues by carrying pride flags or signs.

  • Many call adoption an alternative to abortion, as it can offer pregnant people an alternative to aborting a fetus without being forced to eventually raise it. But others point out that adoption is an imperfect solution, with a flawed private adoption and foster care system in place, such as this adoptee in Denver.

  • Younger girls joined the rallies, some holding signs that reminded others of the ever-present danger of guns in schools – something most state governments have not made moves to prevent, even as trigger bans on abortion go into effect across 13 states.

  • Older women joined the crowds. Some pointed to the universal relevance of Roe v. Wade, a case decided during their lifetimes, past just abortion rights.

  • The raised fist has been a symbol of resistance and unity across almost all demonstrations, and its origins preached that same message. According to National Geographic, strikers against Paterson silk mills in New Jersey were speaking to “Big Bill” Haywood, a founding member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). This organization fought to support striking workers, and demand better working conditions for them. Hayward raised his fist that day when speaking to the strikers, “Every finger by itself has no force,” Hayward said.“Now look,” said Haywood, forming his hand into a fist. “See that, that’s the IWW.”

  • The idea that the government was working to create a population increase in order to have more people join the working class was an argument made, and reaffirmed, by multiple speakers from the Party for Socialism and Liberation before and during the march.

  • The phrase “Abortion is Healthcare” has become a centerpiece for the pro-choice argument. Many believe that this statement is true, as in situations of dire need during birth, abortion is the only solution other than death.

  • The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) organized the march and had numerous speakers elaborate on all aspects of the Supreme Court ruling. Preaching to a crowd that grew massively as the evening aged, speeches were met with the noise of assent.

  • Holding a sign reading “Abortion is Healthcare. #wewillnotgoback,” Neurosurgeon Kara Beasley chanted with others during the start of the protest. “As a physician, I’m appalled. Abortion is not political, it is healthcare. This is not about babies, this is about women, and their right to choose their healthcare for their bodies,” Beasley said.

  • Before the organized march began, the group of protesters split in two, with some moving towards the corner of Lincoln and 14th. They did not advance further, with police redirecting traffic around the demonstrators. This diverting of cars continued throughout the entire march from in front of the capitol building to the courthouse.

  • The protest overlapped with the 5th game in the Stanley Cup series, with Colorado Avalanche losing to Tampa Bay Lightning 3-2 that night.

  • 24-year-old stay-at-home mother Jenna cheered on as cars drove by the protest at Denver’s capital. “Abortion starts with other things like consent, LGBT rights, and birth control. It all falls under the same umbrella. We take one away, everything gets taken away,” Jenna said.

  • Many protesters compared the harsh regulations on reproduction to the recent anger surrounding gun regulation, which is significantly more lax compared to reproductive rights. Signs read “Your guns are less regulated than my uterus,” and “Why does a gun have more rights than me?”

  • Protesters followed a truck through the streets of downtown Denver, waving signs that read “Abortion is healthcare,” and “Women’s bodies are more regulated than guns,” as they chanted sentences loud enough to be heard a few blocks away.

  • A protester held up a sign that read “Girls just wanna have fun-damental human rights,” playing off the 1980’s hit “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” by Cyndi Lauper. Small font at the bottom of the sign read “Girls includes everyone, in this case girls refers specifically to anyone with a uterus,” intending to make it clear that the effects of overturning Roe v. Wade affects everyone assigned female at birth.

  • Chanting was a large part of the energy as the protest moved through the streets. People shouted “Get your rosaries off my ovaries,” and “2, 4, 6, 8, separate the church and state!”

  • Onlookers watched from apartment balconies and restaurant terraces as the protest came by, many cheering the rally on and recording it on their phones.

  • A protester waves a rainbow flag over the crowd as they walk. Many protesters also made sure to highlight how the overturning of Roe v. Wade would impact LGBTQ citizens as well.

  • At the front of the march, two protesters held up a banner from the Party of Socialism & Liberation, who organized the rally, that read “Defend Roe v. Wade. Abortion is a right,” and in larger font “We won’t go back! We will fight back!

  • A protester held up a sign that read “Keep your laws away from our uteruses!” as they marched towards the front of the protest.

  • Those who didn’t carry signs showed their solidarity with the movement by partaking in chants and raising their fists as they walked, a recurring symbol from earlier pro-choice rallies and Black Lives Matter protests.

  • After returning back to the Capitol, a member of the Party of Socialism and Liberation shouted chants into the crowd from a truck. Earlier in the protest, they stopped and delivered a statement to the crowd talking about the country’s capitalist system. “We do not have a justice system, we have a capitalist system,” the speaker said. “This system reinforces the power of a small elite job in the first place.”

  • Protests outside the pride-flag adorned Capitol came just days before the city’s Pridefest, which will celebrate the LGBTQ+ community in multiple days of marches and parades.

  • Protesters on Capitol Hill overlook the crowd following its second lap around downtown.

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More photos can be found under the photographers’ Instagrams: @carllz_p (Carly Philpott), @quinn.rudnick (Quinn Rudnick), and @alexgribblives (Alex Gribb).