Dealing With Anger Issues


Jacob Ginsberg-Margo, Opinion Editor



Have you ever felt like you were on fire? Have you felt as if you are going to explode? Well you’re not alone. Anger management issues plague many people to today

Living with anger issues is not easy, it never has been and never will be. Yet a lot of people live day to day with uncontrollable rage, that comes out without warning.

I live with anger issues, I have since I was able to be mad. I lash out, break things and smoke from the ears at times, and it comes from nowhere.

I could be eating ice cream, and suddenly feel the uncontrollable urge to slam my delectable creamy treat, straight into a wall.

According to a poll shown in a document called the boiling point, shows that more than 1 in 10 people polled have trouble controlling their anger, and 1 in 5 people have ended a relationship because of anger issues, it also shows that 64 percent of people think that the world is getting angrier according to the boiling point, and it is no wonder. There is no denying that people are getting angrier

Anger issues aren’t controllable when they start. It might take 10-60 minutes to calm down.

Angry people will break things, yell, cry, scream and be irrational, to say the least

But doing what you need to do to function in society is completely up to you. It is your fault if you lash out, what say even if you aren’t thinking can hurt, and you need to take control as fast as possible. Anger, and the issues that live alongside it, are much scarier than many think. These issues are dangerous for the person who has them and the people around them. If gone unchecked anger issues can lead to some seriously dangerous problems, and shouldn’t be considered arbitrary.

Anger can rise from anything. This is also known as a trigger, not the type of trigger where you see something that offends you, but something that sends you on a “warpath.” it could range from a wrinkle in a newly made bed, or an off color shirt, to a failed class, or death in the family.

Yet it needs to be said that if you, a person with anger issues, feels anger building inside, do what you need to do you to chill out, relax, bring it down a notch (etc.) listen to soothing jazz, or splash water on your face, or take deep breaths. Your issue is just that Your issue and you must deal with it responsibly.

People deal with anger in two different ways for the most part. There is blow up, and clam up. Blow up is when someone explodes with rage, and exhibits some of the symptoms I mentioned before. Clam up is different and potentially more dangerous.

Clamming up, or internalizing your anger, could lead to depression and other problem with the psyche. This leads to many problems later in life, and is more harmful than a broke lamp, or table. It is up to people with issues and without issues to try to live in peace and harmony with one another, and your inner self.

In today’s world, it is getting increasingly harder to live a calm and normal life, a little understanding could go a long way, ostracism won’t. I’ve experienced it all and I can tell you people who understand will change those who won’t