See Moments from Creek’s Historic Pep Assembly During Power Week


Sydney Topelson

With power week’s fundraising going to bags of fun, it is only suitable for a bags of fun stuffing competition. A student from every grade is selected to stuff a bag filled with games and toys as a friendly and fun competition to physically “show” how these bags are made and why the money the school raised is important with its use. In the photo above, senior Dalton Berkey is seen stuffing a board game into a backpack. The race ended with Dalton Berkey winning and ending power week on a fun note.

During Power Week (March 28 to April 1), the Creek community engaged in many different fundraising activities, such as Mini Golf and a talent show, which culminated in a Friday assembly where they presented Bags of Fun with a donation.

Every year, Creek hosts Power Week to raise money for Bags of Fun, a foundation which delivers toys and games to sick children nationwide. The goal this year was to raise $25,000. By the end of the week, the school donated $62,000, surpassing their past donations to the foundation.

Activities Director Krista Keogh is proud of students’ unique involvement this year and believes it greatly contributed to this Power Week’s success.

“I think the Cherry Creek Sports Network’s 12 in 12 coverage was a game changer,” Keogh said. “That day we brought in over $16,000, and they had found a donor to match all of those funds. So that was pretty amazing!”


Article by Amanda Castillo-Lopez. Photo gallery by Sydney Topelson.