Logan Appalling: Youtube’s Corrupt Monetization System


Skyler Matteson, Staff writer

The now infamous Youtube Star Logan Paul released a disturbing video last year on New Year’s Eve, sparking arguments in more than just the comment sections of videos in the Youtube Community.


The video sparked outrage about showing a man who had hanged himself in Japan’s “Suicide Forest”.


Paul’s band of lackeys were taped laughing over his corpse, painting Logan Paul as a disrespectful idiot to any viewers, who are mainly young impressionable kids.


I could go on and on about his blatant disrespect, but I’m not concerned about Logan Paul. He’s really just a red herring.


My question is, why are people angry at Logan Paul and ignoring Youtube?


Even though Youtube specifically states they don’t allow violent or gory content, the video was allowed to be released.


Finally, it was not Youtube, but Paul who took down the video.


What was more surprising was that when the video was up, it was on Youtube’s trending page. All of this clearly points out the company playing favorites in their effort to turn a profit.


The company took over a week, until January 9th, to speak on the subject, and “punished” Paul for his video, canceling his appearance from a Youtube Red Series and removing him as Prefered Partner for Youtube meaning he will receive less ads from major companies.


None of this is major punishment; Paul will still be able to generate money, and in turn, generate money for Youtube.


The real effect is Youtube taking the hate away from their company, and putting all the blame on Paul, when in reality, the real problem is Youtube’s neglect for following their own policies.


By leaving Paul’s video up, even though Youtube specifically states on its policy page: “it’s not okay to post violent or gory content”, they sent the message that big channels have different policies than small channels.


Youtube has the right to take a portion of the money from content creators. They provide the platform. It’s like an investor gaining royalties from their investment.


This should not allow Youtube to use machines to automatically demonetize (removing from a list of advertiser friendly videos, in essence blocking revenue from the video) smaller content creators and allow big channels to release whatever they like, as long as they have enough subscribers to continue to generate revenue for Youtube.


Several videos about suicide and depression, in sincere efforts to prevent suicide, have been demonetized. Education videos, in particular, have been demonetized if they are about certain topics that Youtube deems as inappropriate.


Youtube allows certain videos to be reviewed and get remonetized, but by the time the video has been remonetized, the majority of viewers for the video have already watched it, meaning the creator will not have earned almost any money for their work.


To fix this situation Youtube should fix their demonetization

Hell, if this was a video, it would probably be demonetized too.