Five Lessons I Learned from Video Games

Lily Deitch

Online Community: This Minecraft multiplayer server shows how real games can be. Thousands of people join every day to play with each other and grow a community.

Lily Deitch, Staff Writer

It’s morning. I log out of class, waving goodbye to my teachers and classmates through a tiny box. Now I realize I have an hour before I need to get back on. So I turn on my game, and listen as the theme song echoes through my room. The graphics become less pixelated and I am able to view a new functioning world within seconds. Sure, I’d rather be at school catching up with my friends to cope with the stress of school, but that’s just not an option right now. Instead, I try to enjoy my time off in some other way. It’s not what I expected my time in high school to look like, but I’ve learned some interesting things by playing video games. 

Video games have been around for years, and there is no denying the popularity they have gained. Although there are negative connotations when it comes to staring at a screen for hours on end, video games have some gem-like lessons within them. 


1). Kindness is the only way to survive.

Multiplayer games are like tiny communities that look similar to real life societies. 

Being nice to everyone is the only way to become successful in the long run. If you have a reputation of being a fair and honest person, people will want to help you out in times of need.

Reaching out to the little guys is important too. There are some players that are more dedicated to the game and will end up being very accomplished. Not only is it just a good thing to do, being nice to the new players will give you more connections later in the game.

Game that taught it best: Minecraft factions is a great example. When you start out, there isn’t much you can do except fend for yourself until you find a faction (team). Even later in the game, without connections, you can’t get the supplies you need, ask anyone for help, or even avoid being raided. That’s why it is so important to make friends and allies.

Life application: In the real world, this is a very valid lesson. Having people to lean on is crucial to one’s well being. When you need help with mental health, school work, or anything else, it’s nice to know there is someone who has your back and vice versa. 


2). Sometimes, the good guys are really the bad guys.

People are complex. Even if someone seems nice on the surface, looks can be deceiving and you should never trust someone completely.

Game that taught it best: This is a lesson I have especially learned from the game Among Us. 

After dying at the hands of a person I thought would protect me at all costs, I realized that sometimes people are unpredictable. You never really know what is going on in someone else’s head. 

I know the point being an impostor is to kill the crewmates, but I never expect my best friend to intentionally go out of his way and kill me first. It just wasn’t necessary. 

Life application: We have all had that friend who acts really nice at first but ends up betraying us after time. No matter how close you guys were, there are certain things that you didn’t see coming. In the future, I know to be cautious of toxic friendships and realize when an end is necessary. 


3). The harder you work, the luckier you will get.

Although it might sound like a cliché, most games require a lot of dedication. The more work and energy I put towards my goal, the more successful I will become. Practicing something over and over until it is perfected is the only way to get ahead of other people. 

Game that taught it best: There are thousands of games that further this lesson, but the one I found to be the best was Rocket League. For Rocket League, to get a high rank, you must train for hours to perfect every single movement and memorize the best possible angles to hit the ball.

Life application: Being a perfectionist has helped me a lot, especially with big school projects. Although it does take longer to polish up every detail, when taking the time to do things right, it really pays off. 

Thinking back on past assignments, I recognize that I did best on the work that I put the most time and effort into. 


4). You can put together a group of people who have nothing in common – and if they are all interested in the game and are aiming for a similar goal, they can make up a great team

Video games bring people together.

Online, there are millions of players who don’t have many things in common. I always found it interesting that when people bring their minds to the challenge, they are able to accomplish almost anything. As a team, people are able to communicate and become closer with others they normally wouldn’t have ever crossed paths with.

Games that taught it best: Battle royale games such as Fortnite and Brawl Stars are probably the best example of this lesson. If you and your team want to win a match, it is crucial that everyone acts as a team player. Working together allows for specific strategies to play out and ultimately result in a victory.

Life application: Knowing how to work with other people, even if you don’t have many similarities, is a vital skill. The world is filled with millions of people who have no connections whatsoever and as a student, I recognized this in school. When everyone in the group is aiming for a good grade on the assignment, none of the differences we had mattered.


5). Do things that you enjoy

Yes, there are better things to do than sit in front of a screen and play games all day, but life is too short to do activities you don’t enjoy. 

For me, immersing myself in a video game after a long day of work is very helpful. It is something that I go to for an escape (especially in this hectic year of 2020). 

So if video games are your source of happiness, great. I encourage you to keep playing and take part in things you like.

Game that taught it best: All games. 

Life application: It doesn’t matter which game you find most fun, what’s most important is that there is something you lean on to get away.