An imperfect policy

We’re high school students. We know what’s going on within schools. We don’t want our ears to be covered. We want to be informed.

In the past, the administration has done a fantastic job of addressing problems and creating ways to progress.

When incidents of body shaming began coming out nationwide, Creek created a committee and changed their dress code.

When suicide rates increased sharply, Creek formed the Sources of Strength club. 

Principal Silva even released an announcement about seeking and giving support to the people around us at the end of the 2018 school year.

Administration, understandably, skirted around the main purpose of the newly enforced ID policy – the recent school shootings – in order to prevent unnecessary panic.

However, they should have addressed it directly.

Allowing the school to know about these new changes would promote a sense of safety, security and, most importantly, unity.

We feel like administration wanted to make it look like they cared, so they implemented a useless protocol to make students feel safer.

During volatile times like these, we as a school should be communicating, not enforcing confusing policies.

The enforcement of the IDs has created an even larger divide between students and administration.

Making us feel like we’re the suspects and if we aren’t properly identified we become the enemy.

It’s safer for us to know what’s going on and it makes us more likely to fully participate in something we know is going to make our school a more secure place.

The IDs are counter-productive in two ways: 

1. Without any sort of address aside from “wear your IDs or you’re going to your dean” we’re left to make assumptions about the security of our school.

2. They promote a false sense of security, because now we see students without their IDs and just assume they forgot their IDs.

Creek could easily address the issues of school safety and violence properly just as they have done before.

Thus far, other new security measures such as an increase in security staff and more locked doors have been understandable measures of increased safety. They didn’t really an explanation.

Implementing a invasive policy like the IDs was something that needed to be explained.

As a news outlet, we focus our attention on the best way to communicate information in order to remain connected.

Despite all that was done to make our school a better place, it doesn’t matter if it’s not communicated to the student body.