The Gods are back: Thor Ragnarok


The plot was simple, characters lovable, and it was just great.

Jacob Ginsberg-Margo, Opinions Editor

Thor Ragnarok was amazing.

The plot was simple, the eldest and unknown sister of Thor and Loki has come back to take the kingdom of Asgard along with an undead army of soldiers. After a short fight, Loki and Thor are thrown to an alien plant, in which Loki cons his way to the top and Thor fights in an arena.

The characters were lovable from Thor played by Chris Hemsworth, to Korg the rock alien played by Taika Waititi.

This was by far the most well-structured, comedic and easiest to follow movie of the Marvel series. It displayed masterful script writing, great effects and wonderful acting.

This was a definite contrast to the second Thor movie in 2013, Thor: The Dark World, which got a 62% on Rotten Tomatoes. With a steep 28% increase, Thor Ragnarok rocketed to the top as one of the best movies of 2017.