For students who struggle to learn English, many can find comfort in a classroom that feels like home.
In classrooms taught in Spanish that focus on improving vocabulary, literacy, and grammar, while also immersing students further into their native languages, students can begin to fully learn Spanish without extra pressure. These classes, titled ‘Native Speakers’ courses, were brought to Creek four to five years ago, and are taught by world language teachers.
“My favorite part of [native speakers] so far is going in depth and learning about different cultures,” junior Janelly Gallardo said. “What has really surprised me is how there are completely different views of how words are spoken and their meaning.”
There are also different paths for people who just want to learn Spanish through three CP level classes, which then transition into more advanced classes: Spanish 4 Honors, and then AP Spanish Language and Literature. Native speaking students can take a test to place into either Spanish 3 for Native Speakers or Spanish 4 Honors for Native Speakers, and then move into AP classes.
Spanish 3 for Native Speakers is a class that is recommended to students who don’t speak English very well and want to take the course at a more simple level.
Often, the class allows native Spanish speaking students to have a class that they can feel comfortable in.
“[I have] many favorite memories, but one of them would be when my students came in at the beginning of the year during my lunch hours to learn extra English from me,” Spanish teacher Rebekah Lee said. “It was interesting because I didn’t think I would be teaching English when I signed up to teach Spanish.”
While the class primarily aims to develop students’ ability to speak and write at the college prep level, many students also enjoy the class just for their connection with the teacher.
“They are motivated to learn and tend to understand my humor and sarcasm,” Spanish teacher Susan Mosby said. “I feel like we can laugh and have fun together plus we tend to develop strong and close relationships. They are a delightful group of mature and fun people.”
Spanish 4 Honors for Native Speakers is a class that was brought to Creek this 2024-2025 school year, for people who are fluent, advanced, and want to take Spanish at a higher level. Students who take this course are able to learn beyond just the language and dig deeper into the different cultures and how different words are used in other countries.
“[Spanish] is my first language and there are a lot of [different] cultures that you can learn from within the Spanish culture,” Spanish teacher Wilmer Barrera said. “I like to see the native speakers that I teach be able to make it to the next level,”
Because the class is an honors course, students are held to a higher standard and their grades are weighted. Students often engage in class discussions and talk amongst each other throughout class.
“My favorite memories are when kids come to tell me about their adventures with Spanish,” Spanish teacher Jennifer Jones said. “Whether they were able to help someone or they traveled and used it, they are always so excited.”
These courses accommodate different levels of learners and provide an academic outlet for many students. “The class has helped me not only expand my knowledge in cultures but also the understanding of different phrases and the correct ways to use them,” Gallardo said.
There are many different teachers around Creek who love Spanish and want to be able to share as much about the culture and language as they can with students. For them, these courses provide the opportunity to do just that.
“One of my favorite parts of teaching is that it gives me the opportunity to constantly learn,” World Language Department Coordinator Jaime Hofmeister said. “My students teach me new things too.”