As a senior in high school, the overload of being tired all the time is reaching its peak. Caffeine has been what gets me through the day, especially energy drinks. I drink a Red Bull almost every day or two. I can’t lie, this is the best thing invented for people who have busy days all the time, like me. Here are my thoughts on the new flavors.
Winter Edition:
The Winter Edition was the first release to come out in late Oct. of 2024 and it was definitely the best one out of these three latest releases. This drink has a combination of vanilla and blueberry with some hints of eucalyptus which is used to calm your nerves. As soon as this drink hit the shelves, it was not long before those shelves became empty. The first time I bought one it was two 12oz cans, and that was probably the last time I was able to get my hands on this drink. I have been on the search to get my hands on these drinks again but it’s been a hard journey. I’ve been to many stores to find one, but I will continue until I’m able to get it again. This drink is supposed to be temporary, but I’ve heard rumors that they might make it stay permanently. If they do, there will hopefully be a chance for me to get this drink again.
Pink Edition:
The Pink Edition was released in Jan. of this year and this drink deserves second place out of these three releases. This drink combination contains raspberry and hints of verbena which is a plant that is used so people don’t get any type of heart condition. This one hasn’t been too hard to find in stores. I put this one in the middle because I am a big fan of fruity drinks and this one just has a mix of berries. That’s boring and when it comes to having a Red Bull in my hand, I need to have the best one and this one just doesn’t meet those standards. It has to taste good in order to be good. If this drink had some better combination of flavors I’d consider it to be higher on my list. I’m a big fan of different combinations in a drink so with this one just having berries, it just seems so bland like I’m drinking water. If this were to stay permanently, I wouldn’t mind it but I would still reach towards other flavors that Red Bull offers.
Zero Sugar:
The Zero Sugar version was also released in Jan. of this year and this drink is either at the top or the bottom. For people who enjoy zero sugar drinks, this might be the right move, but this one just isn’t for me. This drink contains Monk Fruit, which is a no calorie sweetener for drinks so they still have flavor, but it’s so gross. Ever since this drink was released, I haven’t heard any reviews about it and that might be either because this drink tastes horrible or it just hasn’t had enough public attention like the other releases. When you first take a sip of this drink, it doesn’t taste like anything which makes it very exciting. Once you get the after taste, then you finally get a slight taste of the monk fruit. I hope this one doesn’t last too long, it takes the space of a possible new drink that could taste better than this one.