Chocolate or vanilla? Marvel or DC? Does pineapple belong on pizza or not? These are all important issues for the common human being. For those who play videogames, however, the biggest debate is whether you should use a PC (Personal Computer) or a console to play. But what’s the real difference between the two?
A PC typically consists of a monitor, a mouse, a keyboard, a processor, and sometimes a printer. Because PCs tend to be classified as laptops, they can be used not only for playing video games, but also work and school related things.
Playing video games on a PC can result in a much more precise and enjoyable performance, mostly because they offer a massive library of games and are more versatile with the activities you can do on it.
PCs can provide easier upgrades and customization. Buying games for PCs can price anywhere between $600 to $3000 depending on performance, but sometimes PCs lack exclusive games, and many games in general can be incompatible with the software.
“A part of the game will run slowly and be laggy,” senior Alejandra Valentin Martí said.
Overall, students who prefer PCs for their gaming habits find that they’re “easier to control”.
A console, an electronic device that transmits videos and images, usually comes with a main console unit that can be connected to any device, and one or two controllers.
“It’s a really efficient way of playing wherever you need,” Valentin Martí said.
Consoles tend to have a longer life-span and are generally cheaper than PCs, ranging from $300 to $700. When having a console, you also don’t need to upgrade components every few years. Many consoles also offer things like a local multiplayer gaming experience, or split screen gaming, which can enhance the social aspect of gaming.
“With a console, you have to deal with a lot of storage space,” sophomore Cameron Robb said.
However, consoles can sometimes be limited by their hardware and can have a restricted amount of sufficient graphics and performance. When students prefer console gaming systems, they generally find that consoles are more “efficient”.