When students do end up going to parties, or any event where alcohol is involved, many agree between their friends to rely on a designated driver – someone who can safely get everyone home at the end of the night.

Teenagers see the designated driver as someone they can rely on, someone they trust to not drink. And with a designated driver, drinking is a lot safer.
“I don’t feel comfortable driving after drinking, even if it’s just a couple,” one anonymous student said.
In 1988, the Center for Health Communication (CHC) launched the U.S. Designated Driver Campaign, which brought awareness to driving under the influence and encouraged people to have a designated driver when planning on drinking. Having a designated driver, someone who stays sober throughout the night and is able to drive people home after, can significantly reduce the amount of fatal car accidents. Designated drivers have saved nearly 50,000 lives, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.
Many teachers and administrators support the use of a designated driver, believing that it takes out the question of how everyone can stay safe. “If you are [drinking], how are you getting home? Do you have people you can call if you need to? Is there a designated driver?” Drug and Alcohol Specialist Sara White said.
When left with no other options, some may see driving after having a few drinks as okay, but alcohol can cause impaired vision, reduced reaction time, and cause drowsiness. For both teenagers and adults, creating a plan and having someone to take you home can be difficult.
Impaired driving remains a significant issue on the roads. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration , approximately 37 people die every day in the United States due to drunk driving crashes.
When students take on the role of designated driver, they often prioritize their friends’ safety over the fun of the party. “I’d rather them get there safely than wake up and find out they crashed or aren’t okay,” one anonymous student said.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, about 32 percent of traffic crash fatalities in the United States involve drunk drivers. But with apps like Uber and having designated drivers when going out, chances of collision can decrease by 6.1 percent.
Apps like Uber or Lyft provide a way to avoid the challenges of being a designated driver, giving individuals an alternative to driving themselves or relying on a friend. Many opt for a ride-sharing service rather than assigning one person the responsibility of being sober for the night due to comfortability, and this allows for everyone to participate.
However, some students do agree that it’s strange to be around friends that have been drinking, even though they’re the designated driver. While it is important to protect your safety, some feel that being the designated driver does take away from the experience.
“It’s kind of awkward to be the only sober person in a car full of people who are under the influence,” one anonymous student said.
While teenage drinking has always been an intense discussion, the increase of it among young people who are getting their license makes having a designated driver or other options more important to students.
The 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System found that nearly 21 percent of high school students binge drank. With binge drinking among teenagers becoming more prevalent, being comfortable trying out new things safely is incredibly important. And as more students begin to try out alcohol, having a designated driver to take everyone home safely has become more popular.