The Bruins takes the game over Mustangs 3-1

JJ Aquino, Staff Writer

The Event: The Bruins varsity volleyball team played the Ralston Valley Mustangs on Sept. 13. For the first and second sets, the Bruins were in control, winning each set 25 to 7 for the first set and 25 to 17 second set. During the third set, the Bruins were struggling for a while and ended up dropping that 23 to 25. They rallied to win the fourth set, they dived to save the ball, attacked with strength earned their win. 25 to 18

Star Player: Senior Katie Sherman  made 23 attacks and only three errors!

Key Play: After a long point in the fourth set, freshman Carter Booth, ended it with a spike that caused the crowd to go wild.

What’s Next: On Thursday September 20th, 2018 the Bruins are facing off Grandview.