Debate: A Team is Always a Team


Photo by Caroline McVeigh

Emily Huang and Annie Chang mess around before the first debate round begins.

Caroline McVeigh, Staff Writer

The debate team at Cherry Creek High School is not like most other teams at the school. They are more than just a team: they are a family.  The debaters show continual support for one another. This family sticks together even past high school, finding lifelong friends.

Photo by Caroline McVeigh
Friends, Shrushti Manikandan and Sarah O’Neill, discuss the tournament.

The favorite part of debate for Emily Huang, a sophomore competing in Lincoln Douglas Debate, is the familial aspect, as it is a “safe haven” for her and a majority of the team. The debate room specifically is a space in which they can talk about their problems with the debate coaches or other debaters. Students really enjoy being around one another.

Shrushti Manikandan, sophomore competing in extemporaneous speaking, says, “the whole aspect of supporting one another is massive” in the entire debate community. It’s obvious that for them, being supportive isn’t a chore. They really want to help each other in any way they can.

Photo by Caroline McVeigh
Oratory warm ups. Pictured: Sarah O’Neill and Linsey Quint.

“In class [they] have to give each other evidence or write cards for each other,” said Annie Zhang, sophomore competing in Lincoln Douglas Debate. They have to trust each other to write these pieces of evidence about cases for each other, so they can perform well. That trust carries over into other aspects of their lives.

While there is competition between debaters, they never let it impede their friendships. They are willing to listen to someone practice their speech or debate. Since both Huang and Zhang compete in Lincoln Douglas Debate, a style in which one debates philosophy and moral issues. They never let one outperforming the other impede in their friendship.

When it comes down to it in debate, the friends and family are more important conflicts. Problems eventually fall away and the only things that remain is a strong and unified team.