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The Union St. Journal: Cherry Creek High School's official news source

Union St. Journal

The Union St. Journal: Cherry Creek High School's official news source

Union St. Journal

The Union St. Journal: Cherry Creek High School's official news source

Union St. Journal

Peter Philpott

Peter Philpott, News Editor & Outreach Coordinator

Hey there! My name’s Peter, I’m a junior, and I’m the USJ’s News Editor and Outreach Coordinator. I believe that the first amendment is incredibly important, and as journalists we have the right and the duty to uphold it. I am very passionate for news reporting, from small, local issues, to major politics or systemic change topics. This is why I love political/breaking news reporting, and one day I hope to be an investigative journalist. I also enjoy artistic photography in my free time. My position as Outreach Coordinator gives me the opportunity to connect to other newspapers, businesses, and families in the community to grow our reach and get our coverage in the hands of more people. I play trumpet and mellophone and I am part of Creek’s Marching Band. I’m enthusiastic to inform this school on the happenings of our community, from Capitol Hill to the quad. Also, check out my column, Peanuts and Cracker Jack, where I talk about in-depth baseball!

To contact me by email, access my portfolio, or view my photography Instagram account, click the respective buttons below.

All content by Peter Philpott
Workers yell chants, donning signs that encourage customers to not shop at the store, in front of the Belleview Square King Soopers.

King Soopers Workers Strike for Better Working Conditions

Peter Philpott, News Editor & Outreach Coordinator
February 13, 2025
Senior Slavic Club President Viacheslav Riashchentcev (right) and senior member Benji Simberg man the club’s fundraising stand during fifth period on Feb. 3. They sell homemade crafts to contribute funds to Sunflower Seeds Ukraine, an organization working to provide humanitarian and tactical gear to Ukrainians.

Slavic Club Runs Fundraiser To Bring Awareness, Funds to Ukraine

Peter Philpott, News Editor & Outreach Coordinator
February 6, 2025
Holocaust survivor Oscar Sladek speaks to the crowd, as students raise their hands to ask him questions at the Jewish Student Connection-organized event on Jan. 27. The event started with a video detailing Sladek’s escape from the Nazis, and afterwards he answered questions from students about his experiences and what they taught him.

Jewish Student Connection Hosts Holocaust Survivor

Peter Philpott, News Editor & Outreach Coordinator
January 29, 2025
Freshman Ethan Berndt takes a practice speaking quiz in his CP German class. The new docking stations in the language lab allow students to connect to headphones, microphone, and audio software, all without the old desktop computers removed after last school year.

World Language Department Renews Language Lab

Peter Philpott, News Editor & Outreach Coordinator
December 13, 2024
Principal Ryan Silva embraces social studies teacher David Knoeckel after presenting him with the Educator of the Year award. "Silva came in, and then I saw the flowers, and it registered," Knoeckel said. "I was like, 'No way is this happening?'"

David Knoeckel, Virginia Decesare Awarded Educator of the Year

Peter Philpott, News Editor & Outreach Coordinator
December 12, 2024
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